Guest Speaker Terrence Young Music and Message

Join us on Sunday Aug. 4th at 10:30 am for our Celebration Service with guest speaker and musician Terence Young. He will be bringing us his amazing music and a dynamic talk on "Living in Mindfulness."

What are the keys to living in mindfulness? Well as Ram Dass put it... "Be Here NOW. " How do we do that though? We do it by practicing the 3 components of mindfulness - Intention, Attention and Attitude. Join us this Sunday as Terence Young shares some insights on how we can quiet our mind and live in the present moment.

About Terence:
Terence Young is a New Thought Transformational Speaker, Musician, Author and Workshop Facilitator. Terence is a member of Unity North Tampa where previously he served on their Leadership Council and on their music team "Sounds of Light" where he sang, played the guitar, piano and drums.

Terence earned his Executive Certificate in Leadership from the University of Notre Dame in July 2019 and he is a Master Graduate of Rapport Leadership International, a leadership and
organizational development training company based out of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Terence published his first book in October of 2017 titled; “The Time Is Always NOW – The Ultimate Guide To Becoming Physically, Spiritually & Financially Free. His passion in life is to use his leadership and communication skills to inspire others to live their lives to the highest potential by harnessing the power in the eternal moment of NOW. His mission is to support others in becoming physically, spiritually and financially free.